A quick fix to print in VMware for Linux « on: April 21, 2003, 03:55:57 am » I had a craving to print documents created in my virtual OPENSTEP box. However, since VMware and OpenStep does not seem to play along in regards of parallel ports, I dig a bit to find a workaround. Here's what I did on my Linux box 1. Create in your linux box a directory named /Resource/Font 2. Grab the media where you store your OpenStep fonts, unzip and untar them 3. As you know, all the *.font are directories, so you need to enter to each directory and copy all the files inside to /Resources/Fonts (I `m a lazy guy, so I created this shell script to avoid too much work) ;-) ____- #/bin/sh gunzip * for i in *.tar do tar -xvf $i done for i in *.font do cd $i mv * /Resource/Font/ cd .. done rm /Resource/Font/*.txt ___ That's it. Now, in OPENSTEP programs, when you select "PrintÉ" choose "Preview." This will generate a postscript file that you must save. Copy that file to your Linux disk, and then open it in your favorite postscript viewer in Linux (I use KGhostView, GhostView, and even they can be displayed directly in some file managers). You'll see your documents with all the beautiful fonts you grew accustomed in NeXT, and, of course, you can now print them in your Linux box.